Oct 2, 2023 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
“The map is not the territory” – Alfred Korzybski This past September, ARTeacher Fellowship alumnae Katherine Collier and Jessie Lorimer joined our current Fellows at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art to co-facilitate a workshop on remixing maps...
Sep 22, 2023 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
Congratulations to second-year ARTeacher Fellow Jessica Culver, who was named a finalist for national Civics Teacher of the Year by the Bill of Rights Insitutute! A well-deserved recognition for the incredible heart, smarts, and creativity she puts into offering rich...
Jul 30, 2023 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
This summer, we were thrilled to welcome ten new Fellows to join our returning second and third-year Fellows for an amazing ARTeacher Summer Institute. Teaching artist Harlan Brownlee of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts guided Fellows in the...