Sep 23, 2022 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
Teachers leading teachers! This September, ARTeacher Fellowship alum Michelle Cearley Martin (Fulbright JHS, Bentonville) returned to lead a professional development workshop with our current cohort of Fellows on integrating the art of videography into secondary...
Sep 9, 2022 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
The ARTeacher Fellowship is in full swing! This summer, we welcomed eleven new Fellows who joined our returning second and third-year Fellows for the ARTeacher Summer Institute. The four-day institute, held at the Walton Arts Center and Crystal Bridges Museum, was led...
May 31, 2022 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
Learn about the power of the counter-example, productive group work, and body biographies! Just another day in Martha Sandven’s Creativity & Innovation in Daily Practice course at the University of Arkansas. #arteacherccy
May 23, 2022 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
The ARTeacher Fellowship celebrated the completion of another year and the graduation of another class of Fellows at Crystal Bridges this May. Fellows presented how they incorporated arts integration strategies into their instruction–strategies gained through...
May 16, 2022 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
Stephanie Flinn’s ELL students presented their “Growing Together” collages and artist statements. They proudly shared how they brought their own cultures to enhance and enrich their new country while conceptualizing their future hopes and dreams.
May 12, 2022 | ARTeacher Fellowship, News
Mrs. Randall’s World History classes at Bentonville High School explored the impacts of European exploration on Africa and the Americas through the creation of Mixed Media Collages. Students enjoyed the creative process involved in the planning and creation of art as...