This past week, University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions Center for Children & Youth Director Hung Pham and ARTeacher Fellowship alum Anna Beaulieu (Fayetteville HS) traveled to Columbia, South Carolina to take part in two professional learning experiences. First, the duo led a daylong arts integration workshop for select teachers in the Arts Integration for Secondary Educators (AISE) Institute, a program modeled on the ARTeacher Fellowship. Pham and Beaulieu were invited to collaborate with AISE by Kim Wilson, Director of South Carolina’s Arts in Basic Curriculum program and former Arkansas Teacher of the Year.
Next, Pham and Beaulieu each led separate presentations at the statewide “Connecting through Creativity” Arts Integration Conference sponsored by Palmetto State Arts Education. Pham presented on connecting creative writing with the visual (and other) arts, while Beaulieu shared her work integrating photo-portraiture, written and oral language development, and socio-emotional learning. Both presentations received enthusiastic feedback from attendees.