Finding the Lost Generation in Rap

Finding the Lost Generation in Rap

Hannah Faught’s US History classes at Bentonville High School have been working on developing history into raps using Baba Bomani’s rap writing techniques the ARTeacher Fellowship explored this past November. Students have examined different aspects of the...
Humans of Fayetteville High School

Humans of Fayetteville High School

Anna Beaulieu’s AP French class at Fayetteville High School recently completed an arts integration project modeled after the instagram page Humans of New York. Humans of FHS saw Ms. Beaulieu’s French students interview and take portrait photographs of ESL...
February PD Features Noted Author

February PD Features Noted Author

The (virtual) February PD for the ARTeacher Fellowship was attended and facilitated by Dr. Kim Sheridan, co-author of the influential and bestselling Studio Thinking 2 (and upcoming Studio Thinking 3!). Fellows were engaged in discussions about strategies to develop...
Collage as Self Expression at Springdale HS

Collage as Self Expression at Springdale HS

Students from Springdale HS teacher Dominique Bonilla’s classes created an “All About Me” collage to present to their classmates. Through this, students selected an image from Crystal Bridges’ art collection and then pieced together a collage...